A Brief History of Computers, From The Early 1800s To Today

History of Computers

History of computers start when The first computer code was written in 1843 in a manual for an automatic loom. The loom used punch cards to program the machine to weave different patterns. However, it was in the 1940s that computers started looking like what we know Today.

Early history

The computer is an essential tool for us. It is a machine that can do many things, such as playing games and word processing. But the first computers were huge, slow, and expensive. People who wanted to use them for a variety of tasks at the same time were limited in what they could accomplish with them because they could only perform a single function at a time. The first computers were invented in the 1940s by British mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954), American electrical engineer John von Neumann (1903-1957), and others who worked on secret projects during World War II for Britain’s codebreaking organization Bletchley Park or America’s National Security Agency NSA).

History of Computers


During the 1940s, computers were used to calculate and solve problems. The ENIAC was one of the first general-purpose electronic computers, and it was used in many fields:

  • weather prediction
  • military applications (such as calculations for artillery trajectory)
  • space exploration (for example, calculating trajectories for rockets).


In the 1950s, computers began to take shape. John von Neumann and his team at Princeton University built the first programmable computer in 1948. However, it wasn’t until 1954 that J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly developed the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) at the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Electrical Engineering.

The first commercial computers were produced during this decade: The Ferranti Mark 1 (1951), Manchester Mark 1 (1951), EDSAC (1949), and EDVAC (1945).

History of Computers manchester


The 1960s was a time of great innovation in the field of computing. In 1963, IBM released its first desktop computer and introduced its now-famous punch card system. The following year saw the invention of the first computer mouse, which allowed users to control their machines by moving them around on their desks (instead of typing commands into a keyboard).

In 1965, MIT students created Spacewar!, which is widely considered one of the first computer games ever. It was also during this decade that researchers at Stanford University discovered how viruses could spread through networks by infecting programs stored on floppy disks or hard drives; this discovery led many companies to begin developing antivirus software for their users not only receive protection from harmful viruses but also avoid them altogether when using company-owned computers.


The 1970s was the decade that saw the birth of many computer technologies and related products. In 1971, Intel introduced its first microprocessor, which would become a mainstay of personal computing. That same year, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple Computers as well as their first product: a desktop machine called Apple I (the “I” stood for “Intelligent”). The company sold only about 200 units at $666 each before closing shop; however, this was enough to get things rolling again when they re-opened under new management in 1976.

The following year saw another milestone: Ken Olsen’s prototype laptop computer–which he called “Laptop” due to its use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) instead of CRT screens–was unveiled at COMDEX ’73 in Las Vegas (now known as CES). It wasn’t until 1984 that IBM released its portable PC called Convertible Personal Computer; unlike most laptops Today, however, this model had no internal battery pack or hard drive but instead relied on external power sources such as wall outlets and floppy diskettes (or “floppies”) for storage purposes.

History of Computers Apple I


The 1980s were an exciting time for computer technology. The first home computers were introduced, as well as personal computers that could be used at work or home. Portable computers were introduced during this decade, though they were less portable than Today’s laptops and tablets!

In addition to these significant changes in how people interacted with computers overall, there were also some significant developments within the field itself:

  • Monochrome screens gave way to color ones.
  • Hard drives became standard on most machines (though they still needed to be more significant for storing photos).
  • Some companies started using mice instead of keyboards or touchpads.

The computer is an essential tool for us.

The computer is an essential tool for us. It has made our lives more accessible, fun, exciting, and efficient. The computer has also made our lives more productive.

The computer is an essential tool for us. It can help us to do many things, like writing a letter or playing games. Computers are also used in schools and businesses. We can use them to store information or perform calculations faster than by hand. So next time you use your computer, think about how it works and its role in society Today!

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